Monday, June 28, 2010

Voice at war!

Assalammualaikum & good evening y'all~ S2

I've got Tausyeh with Raudhatul Amirah for this wedding reception at Rizqun. It was like.....
GAHHHH. My voice is used up for around about 3 whole hours. With around 2mins or none at all between songs. My hands were sweating like crazy. It was very exhausting. I even finished drinking 1.5L of water! And it wasn't enough.

After that, we (Az, Mas, Wana, and I), went for karaoke-ing :D Mengidam K-Box ku :p
We (mostly me & Az) sang, "Shima-Teringin" and "Ning Baizura-Awan yang terpilu" Such powerful songs. Yet, it was fun for me :)

Then, I thank Azmina for buying us Lunch at Ideal :D

Around 4pm, (No, I haven't rest) I got Dikir Dibaie practice with the girls. Gawd, my voice... I must really protect it. My voice box inside is starting to feel a lil bit strange. =/ Hope it will be okay on the day of the competition x)

Slept late lastnight, made finishing touches on our Bio Presentation :) In the morning, I was like a walking zombie. Its like Frankenstein is going to PTEM (name of my school). 'Cause I really do look like him! With those panda eyes, miserable face, pretty ugly i tell you.

Thank God I survived throughout the day =D Got Maths homework and things.
In the afternoon, got Dikir then Nasyid practice. My voice is starting to crack, slowly croaking like a frog. Then again, I started gulping down 1.5L of water again. Its like I'm overdrinking =.=

After the practice, me mas and wana went to Giant to accompany mas shopping ^_^ Though I ended up shopping myself. Since my family requested for pepsi twist, chocolates, kebabs, and kokoberry. But I didn't buy kokoberry. No money, no honey :p Kali ada tia babah message, si shin chan ada di rumah.

Arrived home, shin chan's still there. I was a bit surprised. Ahahahah! Sanggup menunggu wah tu. Its like he waited for more than 30 minutes. Get to talk with my parents during my absence. Cali~ Ahahahahahaha! He was like, eating kuih "sapit" balik2. :p

So, we discussed things and talk talk talk. Well, more to the girls teasing him. Ahahahah! ^_^V
It was fun having him there for a while.

After my dinner, I watched 1 litre of tears. The movie was very motivational, emotional and it really did make me cry until it became 1 litre of tears T^T I just can't stop crying. It was such a great movie. I love that movie. Watched it twice, still I cry =')

Ya Allah, tabahkan lah hati hamba-Mu di sini. =)

Alrighty. Got assignments and some revision to do! And its getting late. =)

Assalammualaikum & Night! Cheers!

Much love to the loved ones and my readers (if there's any). :D

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The rest of the day..

Assalammualaikum & Good Evening y'all!
Before I go to lalaland~ lemme share my evening with you guys :D

Before that, I'm so glad that everything fall back to place. All those sad things are now slowly turning to a brighter future ahead =) Alhamdulillah Ya Allah! x)

And the story continues~
  1. My "Dikir Dibaie" + "Nasyid" practice:
  • it went a bit rough at first for Dikir Dibaie, as 4 of the girls are not really familiar with the song. A bit of tension at first. But yeah, it went well in the end :) So to polish it up, there will be another intense practice at my house tomorrow afternoon for 'em girls :) Look forward to it!
  • Nasyid was so fun! 'Cause there were a few changes made for the song. It was hilarious at first since it sounded funny for us. But in the end we manage to match all the things up and it became a perfect melody :)
2. School:
  • After practice, Wana and I got a major problem!! Transport! We were like, "cana ni? cana kan balik?" (how are we going to go back home?) We thought teacher can send us home, but she was busy. Then, we texted suf, but he was at home. Next, we tried fadzil, then he didn't bring his car. After that, wana's friend, got meeting. Lastly, we followed Hash, our saviour of the day!
  • On the ride, it was fun! With Hash, Alif, Khaliq, Jibah, Najib and Wana. Joking here and there. shouting "SakLiKauIh!" Ahahahahahhaha! It was fun! Missed hanging out with 'em :)
3. Home:
  • Thank Allah! Wana and I successfully arrived at my house in one piece :D Mas came by after she picked up her sister.
  • Dinner! We've got steamboat!! It was AWESOME! But that time, I was too tired to chew to be true.. But still, bonding with the family and friends is important :D
4. Stadium:
  • Got my parents permission to watch Yazid's 3000m run at National Stadium! :D Well, Mas and I didn't actually get to see him run! We were late.... because...
  • We went to the wrong place. Then, we got lost. Don't know in which direction should we go. Ahahahahahah! It was such a great experience! Full of laughter!
  • Arrived there after he finished his run. Then, go search for the people. Durang smssa-ians.
    I feel flushed, I can feel sweats and my cheeks + ears turn red and hot. :p So humiliating. Ahahahah! Mas & I giggled uncontrollably all the way. Ahahahahah!
  • It was worth it to be there hanging out with them smssa-ians. Walaupun kami rasa macam kami atu menyamak. so kami banyak diam la. Ahahahahaha! Alum biasa banar. & al-maklum.. si jurin shy-shy cow. HAHAHAHAHAH!
  • It was hot!!! I'm sweating like a gorilla there!!!
  • But still, I really appreciate my parents permission :) It shows how much they trust me, in return I will not let 'em down! :D
  • Also, Yazid's message on how ea terharu that aku and mas datang. Inside, Awwww =')
    he also said, better late than never. Siuk lahh tadi tu. Bnyak begambar!! But most of the time, I cover my face. Entah ih. apa masalahmu kan jurin?
  • I sooooooo cannot forget Rafie and Zawani. Because....
  • Rafie with his enthusiastic yet serious face: "HAN HAN!! Karang ada eclipse kan ni? kan? kan?!" -SO CAN'T FORGET THAT FACE! Ahahahahahahah!!
  • Zawani with her non-stop chatterbox. She was putting words for the runners on the field. And it kinda looked like a commercial ad in the radio. And it was veryy funny. As she do it with different expressions! Ahahahahah!!! Siuk ihh~ Siuk bibirannya~ Aku suka! Ketawa non-stop wah tu :p
  • A special "thank you" to the guys pasal shouting my name masa aku datang. It's as if I was running at the field. They went... "Eh atu nah si jurin!!" "Laju jurin laju!" "Jurin!! You can do it!! RUNN!!" "Jurinnnnnn!!!" and I was like "=.=" - I was right behind them... So funny these people! They really make my day :D All I can do is laugh when I was with them or when I walk pass by them. :) Appreciate it!
  • You guys didn't know how much you guys light up my day, when I was slowly sinking down :)
5. Between Stadium and Home:
  • They invited me and mas, lepak. But nyeh,, both of us are still full :) Plus, we were.....short on money. hehe.
  • arrived home around 10-11.
  • BLOG! :D See how much I love you, blog :)
- My Planning For Real project got accepted, and we are going for the Finals!!!
- My Zainul Quran group, named Raudhatul Amirah, got no.2 in the semi-finals, so we're going to the FINALS S2
-Congratulations to Yani who won GOLD & Yazid who got numero 4! GOOD JOB!! :D

That means I have to work hard for this! So that we get numero uno at the Finals :D Wish Me Luck ^_^V

Well thats all for today sweethearts :)

Assalammualaikum & G'night! Chau! :D

P.S/ Today is one of my best days in my life! <3>

I'm back :D

Assalammualaikum and good afternoon ^_^

*I did this on Microsoft Word at school. Since, the internet was unavailable.*

See how jobless I am during my PS. I went to the school library, borrowed the school’s PC (unfortunately there’s no internet connection here =_=”), and started “exploring” the insides of this school computer. The games are………so disappointing. I expect games from GameHouse/PlayFish, but nooooo there weren’t any. So I played “paint”, I feel like a 3-year-old kid. Got bored with that, I search through my pendrive. There were pictures from last year to early of this year. It was fun at first. Then again, I got bored once more…

So here I am, sitting in front of the desktop, writing or rather typing my story. The reason I’m not going home, is ‘cause I have “Nasyid” practice. Finals is on the 3rd!!!! x(. It’s so nerve-wrecking. So I’ll go back home prolly around 4pm. Busy busy busy~ again. I can’t wait for my LONG-awaited holiday =)

Anyway, here are my plans so far:

-Tomorrow morning, got Tausyeh with Wana yang lawa at Rizqun.

-PTEM Energy Club meets with PTEK Energy Club, tomorrow lunch. It’s like a business thing.

-Oh! My Planning For Real group managed to get in the Finals! Yayyyy! xD

-Adventure Club have their permission with the help of Hiking Club (:

-28th got briefing for Niah Cave trip.

-30th, Dikir Dibaie semi-finals.

-1st July got Adventure Club. Hiking at Bukit Marakucing, Kg Subok.

-2nd July got Niah Cave Trip!!! x) from early morn stretches to I don’t know when.

-3rd July, got Nasyid Final competition!! OH NOOO!!! Wish me LUCK!!!

-Now lotsa things happen, in the future there’s still more to come! =P

Gotta go now. Got practice.

Assalammualaikum! Cherio! =D

Friday, June 25, 2010

Still breathing

Assalammualaikum and good evening! ^_^

I haven't updated my blog for such a long time. A lot has happenned in this past 2 months!
My days became more packed, hectic & busy than usual! I have to catch up with every single thing from my personal life to my school life. That's how busy I am!

I'm grateful that my family keep on supporting me all the way! They understand my situation after I explained it to them =) In a way, this increases our family bond. awwww =')

Well, this past 2 months. What have I done that made me busy as ever! :
-June AS Exam~ Very crucial as I have to study study study then I go chill chill chill. x) Runs from May till 10th of June.
-In between those dates, I have "Nasyid" & "Dikir Syarafil anam" competition. So, practice practice practice, 'til i break down :p
-Got the results for the competitions, PTEM is going to Finals! =D Final for Nasyid is this 3rd July, then for dikir it will be held on September.
-In between those dates again, I got Adventure Club to worry about. Our Camping proposal got rejected! So far, two proposals have been rejected. Wasai and Camping. But I WILL NEVER GIVE UP! x)
-So, Adventure Club decided to collaborate with the MPs, PRS, Environment Club and Energy Club, to do Cleaning Campaign at the school compound. To show how much we love the school =)
-We have 2 weeks holiday. But I don't have any.
-VERY busy during the 2nd of June. As it was my Brother, Abg Azri's birthday. And he decided to celebrate it at home along with his friends. So you know~ run here and there. clean here and there. became the waitress of the day. It was fun though! =D
-Last day of school, have so many meetings and all those things.
-5th June. There was a MP Orientation :D It was FUN! I get to make SUSHI and get to know more about my Juniors! Credits to Ms See~ The activity was from early morning stretches to 5pm.
-8th June. MP PRS of PTEM, PTEK, MD, MS. Bowling Tournament! Get to meet some of MD's student council. It was a great experience playing bowling :p
-11th June. Went to MinDef Headquarters, Counselling unit. Cool place :D Have to attend a briefing. Since I'm going to be one of the facilitators for the next day. The ABC (Adventure based counselling) course, for MPs and PRS. We became semi-military! It was very tiring! yet AWESOME!
-12th June. ABC course =.= Ran ran ran non-stop. Go fetch this go fetch that! Watch them! Do this Do that! Clean that! Pick that up! Control them! Grrrr... And the weather was VERY scorching! And yet, it was worth it :D
-13th June (i think..) I have Volunteer work with the MOH at National Stadium. Guess which booth I get to take care of? CAR DRIFT BOOTH! HOW LUCKY!!!!! xDDD And I get to have a free T-shirt and free lunch+dinner! xDD
-14th to 16th June. From morn til 5pm. Have this LTB course. (Leadership-Teambuilding programme). This one. I will never forget! We stay with our group KUIH BOM. Which we call the BOMMERS x) for 3 whole days x) The group consists of Tikah, zizah, mun, nazib, diana, fuzah, pei ling, saiful, zaimi, roy, ziidah, athirah, teacher qistinn :D Those 3 days~ =D Its just irreplacable! xD I learnt a lot!!!
-17th June. Tree planting with the Energy Club + Environment Club. In the afternoon, got this bio group for our presentation on endangered species. OH. Kerita si Raihan teberanti arah bukitku. And Cheesecake si Yazid NYAMAN (Y)(Y)
-18th June. Got practice for Zainul Quran. Oh. I'm joining another competition called "Zainul Quran". =)
-19th June. PTEM Adventure Club cleaning campaign x)
-20th June. New furniture comes. GENERAL CLEANING of the house!! GAWD!
-Look at how I used up all my holiday! Oh right. In between those dates, the dates where I'm free. I'm not really free. My friends come by to my house :D So yeah. Lepak si rumah Jurin!!
-25th June. Suppose to go for my Chemistry trip. But I have to skip that. I have this "Zainul Quran" competition at RTB, Studio 1. Great experience! Wish me Luck! Results will be out tomorrow night!

Now that's what I call busy woman *wink*

Now thats my past (:

Here to my present: My eyes are sleepy, tomorrow I've got classes. Thank Allah my work's done a day early. So I'm going to sleep now :)

Insya-Allah I'll update my dear blog tomorrow :D

Assalammualaikum and good night! Sweet dreams!

Zureen Ariffin